After holding off for a year, I've finally listened to Joanna Newsom's "Ys". This album got such an emotion out of me that it led to this blog being created. I have never experienced something this sonically beautiful before, and holy shit I am so angry at myself for taking this long to listen to it. Everything about it is beauty itself, reduced to five (very long) tracks— from its instrumentals, to its lyricism, and Joanna's voice. It'll find you at the right time and it'll stick its hand into your chest and pull out a feeling you can't explain. I think I will sing praises about this album until I die, and if you haven't already, I suggest you listen to it (please don't hold off on it like I did... terrible decision.)
(I'm not the type to be moved by music much, but God, Cosmia had me stunlocked. Such a heavy song on its own, but the last minute or so just hits you like a pang, so full of emotion and grief tears formed in my eyes before I even noticed.)